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Spring 1

Year R Spring 1 : Frozen planet

This half term we will be learning about Frozen planet. We will be learning:

What story can I retell? What facts can I retell?

Who lives at the Antarctic? Can girls and boys be explorers?

What are the signs of Winter?

Important Vocabulary

 Explorer , Antarctic , frozen, planet, , Season , Winter, solid liquid, melting, world


  •  I can retell a story some as exact repetition and some in my own words.
  • I can learn new vocabulary, use it throughout the day and in different contexts.
  • I can read some letters that each represent one sound and say the sounds for them.
  • I can re-read simple phrases and sentences to build up confidence in word reading, my fluency and understanding.


  • I can form letters correctly.
  • I can write my name.
  • I can write short sentences with words with letters that I know.
  • I can use a capital letter and full stop.


  • I can compare numbers.
  • I can I can recall number bonds for numbers 0 to 10.
  • I can link the number symbol with its cardinal value to 10 and beyond.
  • I can recognise and talk about 2D and 3D shapes.