Spring 1
Spring 1
Theme: The History of the Health Service
Which significant people and events helped to improve the health of our nation?
Curriculum Coverage
In Maths, we will be using our Power Maths scheme to help us understand in depth counting and calculating within 20. Children will learn how to use equipment to help them solve addition and subtraction within 20 and begin to use ‘known facts’ to solve calculations mentally. A key concept for children to practise is the number bonds to 10 and 20 so these can be recalled quickly. Towards the end of the term, we look at extending our understanding of place value to numbers up to 50.
This half term in English, we will continue to use the Read Write Inc. Phonics Scheme. Each day we have a phonics session to practise one of the set 2 or set 3 sounds. The next part of the lesson is focused on a fiction or non-fiction book from the Read Write Inc. Scheme. These are phonetically decodable to help children develop into fluent readers. The activities based on each book involve comprehension, grammar and writing opportunities to cover the year 1 expectations for English.
In the afternoons, the children study a range of subjects. In RE we will complete the unit ‘Who is Jewish and how do they live?’ The children will find out about important Jewish artefacts, stories and festivals.
Our history unit teaches the children about the significant people and events which have helped to create our NHS. We will be going into the past beyond living memory to learn about key figures for example Mary Seacole and Florence Nightingale. In Science, we will be learning about ourselves. The children will learn about the senses, naming key parts of our bodies and how to keep themselves healthy.