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Spring 1

Theme Learning Question: 

The History of the Health Service: How Has the Health Service Changed?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths this half-term we will be looking at money and multiplication and division. We will be looking at making equal groups of 2s, 5s and 10s and what the multiplication sign means. We will build and draw arrays to help us write multiplication sentences, and we will understand division by amounts into different groups using equipment to help us.

In English, we will continue to revise our phonics. We will begin several longer texts now, beginning with the picture book 'Troll Swap'. We will explore the features of the text and create our own version of the story, after studying spelling patterns used, and grammatical features and punctuation used.

In History, we will be learning about history of the health service. We will be learning about a selection of key figures who made important contributions and discoveries to make the NHS what it is today. These will include Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Marie Curie.

In Science, we will be the biology of humans. We will look at the names of body parts and how our five senses work. We will discuss ways in which we can keep our bodies healthy.

In RE, we will be looking at the religion of Islam and what Muslim people believe about God.