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Spring 1

Spring 1

Theme Learning Question:

Who were the Ancient Egyptians, and what did they achieve?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Maths this half-term we will be looking at multiplication and division. Within Multiplication and division we will be learning how to use different methods to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We will also be expanding on our knowledge of length by measuring accurately in mm, cm and m. After that, we will learn how to calculate the perimeter of 2D shapes.

In English, our text is, 'The Stone Age Boy'. Within our English lessons, we will be exploring the features of a historical narrative, and we will be writing our own story from the point of view of the boy. We will be revising how to use inverted commas and the correct tenses within our writing.

In History, we will be learning about Ancient Egyptian civilisation. This unit provides children with the knowledge that they need to be able to make comparisons between what was happening in Egypt and Britain at the same point in time. The children will begin by locating Egypt on a world map and understanding the importance of the River Nile. We will continue to learn about how archaeologists use artefacts to study the past. For example, Howard Carter’s discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb. We will also look at Ancient Egyptian beliefs about gods and the afterlife.

In Science, we will re-visit the classification of animals, and we be learning about the importance of nutrition. The children will also be introduced to the special functions of the skeleton and of muscles.

RE: This term we will be learning about Islam. We will be finding out about how Muslims might worship and what special festivals Muslim people may celebrate, their traditional customs and beliefs.