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Autumn 1

Curriculum Coverage

In maths, we will be focusing on place value. Pupils will identify the difference between units, tens, hundreds and thousands and understand how 4-digit numbers can be broken down and partitioned accordingly. Pupils will also understand how numbers can be rounded to the nearest 10 and 100 and how to interpret number lines up to 10,000.

In English, our focused book will be Gorilla by Anthony Browne and the pupils' work will aim to identify skills such as expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials, and how these can be implemented into their own writing. Pupils will also have weekly comprehension lessons to build up their understanding of texts.

In Science, we will be understanding and exploring sound, and how sound is created through different mediums of solid, liquid and gas. We will investigate how distance can affect sound and how sound is measured in decibels.

Within our history topic, we will be exploring the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will explore the different periods within each age, as well as how life in Britain changed over the ages. We will identify what prehistory means, as well as how farming impacted the lives of people in Britain thousands of years ago.