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Governors (Local Governors Committee)

Chair of the LGC

Laetitia Rocha is our Chair of Governors and also our safeguarding governor.

She can be contacted via the school office. 

Structure and Membership of St Paul’s LGC

The St. Paul's LGC is made up of parents, staff, community and Church members.  From these, a Chair and Vice Chair are elected. The staff or Headteacher cannot take up these roles.

Please view Rise Local Governance information: LGC.

Full LGC meetings are recorded by an appointed Clerk to the Governors.

Special Responsibilities

Governors also choose, or are appointed to be an advocate for certain priorities of the School Development Plan:

Safeguarding- Laetitia Rocha

Christian Distinctiveness, Vision & Ethos- Dy Rydings

Vulnerable Groups (including SEND)- Lee Westley

EYFS- Tom Harrup


Full Governors' Meetings

St Paul’s governing body meets four times per year.

These are chaired by the chair of governors and clerked by a trained clerk.

The head teacher is also present at all regular meetings.

The head teacher presents a report which outlines the progress of teaching and learning in the school based on the results of lesson observations and data from assessments, along with progress on the School Improvement Plan, staffing, concerns, absences, exclusions and budget.

A typical meeting includes:

  • Declaration of interests
  • Ratifying minutes of previous meetings
  • Matters arising from previous meetings
  • Head teacher's report
  • Reviewing and approving policies
  • Reports from governors with special responsibilities
  • Correspondence sent to the Chair
  • Any other urgent business

Paper copies of minutes from the LGC meetings, are available, upon request, from the school office.

There are vacancies from time to time. Please speak to the school office, if you are interested in this role.

Pertinent documents are available below: