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Autumn 2

Theme Learning Question:

What do we celebrate?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Phonics, we follow the Read Write Inc programme to teach reading and writing. This term we will continue set 1 sounds. We will learn that sometimes two letters make one sound such as 'sh, th, ch and qu'. We call these 'special friends'. Practise sheets and words will be sent home to practise reading and writing the new sounds covered that week.

In Maths, we will focus on 2D and 3D shapes, one more, one less and how to use a part-whole model. We will also continue to practise counting reliably, recognising and forming numbers,

Our theme focus this half term is ‘Celebrations’ in which the children will be learning about different celebrations such as Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.

In RE, we are looking at different Bible stories and thinking about how we can be trustworthy.