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Summer 1

Theme Learning Question:

What minibeasts can I find outside?

Curriculum Coverage:

In Phonics, we follow the Read Write Inc programme to teach reading and writing. This term we will continue learning and revisit set 2 sounds. We will keep practising how to spell words using 'Fred fingers’ and reading words using ‘Fred talk’ to help us. We will also be practising red words (words you can’t ‘Fred talk’) and writing short sentences.

In Mathematics, we will focus on counting on and back; counting to 20; doubles; and halving and sharing. We will also continue to practise counting reliably, recognising and forming numbers. We use ten frames, number lines and part whole models to help us.

Our theme focus this half term is ‘Minibeasts’ in which the children will be learning about the different minibeasts you can find outside. We will be covering habitats; pattern and camouflage; life-cycles and the environment.

In RE, we will continue learning about a different bible story each week. Our Christian Value this half term is service.